I'm E. K. Hall

I'm an author who writes commentary, satire, and colonial fantasy. Thank you for reading.

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E. K. Hall, Author
E. K. Hall
Members Public

Major Bookstores Worldwide

Lost and Bound (Excerpt, Ch. 22)0:00/4:011ร—๐Ÿ”๏ธLost and Bound is a heartwarming ode to adventure and friendship amongst outsiders and misfits. Lost and Bound is now available on all major worldwide retailers including those of your local libraries. Please find relevant links below. Amazon (US Kindle

E. K. Hall
Members Public


Lost and Bound Lost and Bound is available worldwide on Amazon in paperback and ebook formats. Purchase On Amazon (US) Dear friends, With deep humility and a sense of pride, this last week Lost and Bound was released and the first copies began showing up in the homes of readers.

E. K. Hall
Members Public

We're Live

I've always enjoyed writing. However I'm convinced that most of what I write under my other hat remains forever largely unread; it's a truly niche field. And while sometimes I have been quite proud of what I've written there, that satisfaction rings

E. K. Hall
Members Public

Lost and Bound: Origin of the Story

Here I discuss questions of how I came up with the underlying story in the book and my motivations for writing it. It does not contain frank spoilers regarding content, but does touch on how I have thought of the text and what I wanted to accomplish. As such, it